"Connecting Community and Academic Activism Workshop Series"
table of contents
Local Resources and Projects

American Friends Service Committee

Contact: Caroline Isaacs

Quaker House, 931 N 5th Ave, Tucson
(520)623-9141, fax: (520)623-5901

"The American Friends Service Committee is a national Quaker organization which includes people of various faiths who are committed to social justice, peace, and humanitarian service. Its work is based on the Quaker belief in the worth of every person, and faith in the power of love to overcome violence and injustice. Nationally, AFSC focuses on creating positive change in four areas: Social Justice, Economic Justice, Peace and Demilitarization, and Youth."

Locally, AFSC has subcommittees working on the following issues:

The AFSC has internship opportunities and will work with instructors or researchers on various projects for course curricula or research projects. Currently, for example, a graduate student is working closely with the Prisons Concerns project to develop research to aid grassroots activism around privatized immigrant prisons in the state. The research will become part of the grad student's dissertation project. Another instructor is working with AFSC to develop course content that incorporates the expertise and experience of AFSC activists.

Readings and resources relevant to this project (ideas for course content connections)

A very partial list and starting point for resources. Please contribute materials to this site! Until I have an interactive form up here, please email me links (danika@u.arizona.edu).


Prison Concerns


Related Activist Film Projects and Grassroots Media Groups

Prison Concerns

Bibliographies and primary resources

Prison Concerns

Sample Syllabi

Prison Concerns
table of contents