Goals and Objectives: National Service Fellowship Project

Service Learning: Community and University Collaboration for Collective Action

Goal 1
Objective 1 Objective 2 Objective 3 Objective 4
Element Identify and contact community organizations working to address similar issues in terms of collective action. Identify and contact university instructors interested in or currently implementing service learning to discuss project and get commitment to do workshop program. Articulate and disseminate common interests and mutual needs. Write up 1st stage methodology and research support for final product (ongoing work on goal 3)
Desired Result Establish contacts, understand community needs better; gain perspective on extent of need and relationships to university. Begin promoting SL model to community. Establish core group of community members to pilot project. Email personal contacts.Email listservs of likely contacts.Meet with faculty and faculty groups.Meet with Tucson SL coalition.Follow-up on initial contacts and forwarded interest posts.Get on GAT/Fac. group meeting agendas. Synthesize and summarize meetings. Verify understandings with each group. Write up an abstract to distribute to both groups. Present findings at SW project and Tucson SL Coalition. Begin work and gathering materials for final product.
Tasks Phone calls and email; attend community meetings; make listserv announcements; meet with ED's; talk with involved community members; develop a simple database to track contacts and relationships. Email personal contacts. Email listservs of likely contacts. Meet with faculty and faculty groups. Meet with Tucson SL coalition. Follow-up on initial contacts and forwarded interest posts. Get on GAT/Fac. group meeting agendas. Synthesize and summarize meetings. Verify understandings with each group. Write up an abstract to distribute to both groups. Present findings at SW project and Tucson SL Coalition. Synthesize research with actual results from local meetings; draft materials for final project; get feedback.
Timeline Initial work: September and October. Ongoing throughout project. Initial work: Sept/Oct. Ongoing throughout semester End of October: Written; November dissemination. November, ongoing with final work occurring in May.
Partners Primavera Foundation; Southern Arizona Alliance Ec. Justice; Coalition to Organize Grad Students; Students Against Sweat Shops; Tucson Service Learning Coalition; LGB Studies: Sex, Race, and Globalization Committee SouthWest Project; Tucson Service Learning Coalition; Coalition to Org. Grad. Students; TA Listserv; Program Listservs; local Service Learning Listserv Same as other two objectives. Readers such as other Fellows, faculty, community organizers.
Success Standards All contacts made; at least 4 community org commitments; agreed understanding of goals of organizations (on my part); collaboratively established ideas for university relationships Talk with all of above partners and post to all listservs; follow-up with 10 instructors; commit 4-6 instructors Written product that as accurately as can be verified reflects the concrete needs and concerns of both groups and suggests how relationships might work. Solid commitment of 4 groups and 4-6 instructors. A first draft of this element of the final product written by the end of November.
Notes Have moved from the notion of "Coalition" to "collective action" for several reasons, which I believe will be justified in my research and literature reviews. Contacts made thus far have been very enthusiastic. My initial inquiries have resulted in a good deal of interest and linkage with other related projects. I am becoming aware that part of what i need to be doing is establishing the need for a centralized database for community projects. (See article in JPO) The final project will profile this document in order to provide a baseline for what kinds of needs and concerns might join these groups of people in general. That will also suggest to other locations what they might share with local projects. Attempting to maintain work on the final product as I go through the actual steps to doing the local program.
Goal 2
Objective 1 Objective 2 Objective 3
Element Develop and Schedule Community/Instructor Curriculum Development Workshop. Hold workshops and revise. Pilot courses and assess results.
Desired Result Creation of a tentative/flexible workshop model and schedule that works to facilitate the collaboration between community organization members and instructos to create service learning components to instructor's curricula of mutual benefit (without undue constraints or additional work for either). A series of meetings in workshop style that result in community-university collaboration and specific curricular activities for instructors to use in Spring, 01 courses. The outcome of the sessions should be a meaningful collaboration and meaningful time spent and perhaps larger connections with the groups. Compilation of all products from workshop sessions with articulated measurements from each stakeholder; Synthesis of summaries and evaluations into materials that are useful for a variety of applications (including instructors/community uses, future programs, and final product).
Tasks Using participant input, choose dates, location, and number of sessions. -Create a specific but flexible agenda. -Create handouts and worksheets for facilitating (now and as future models). -Send invitations; follow up with phone calls and personal meetings. Hold meetings at announced times and locations; record sessions and provide minutes; critique and monitor workshops (jointly with participants); incorporate feedback into revisions of successive sessions and methodologies; generate specific "products" at each session. Gather products (curricula, syllabi, assignments, community evaluation/criteria sheets), from participants; design evaluation instrument for workshop methodology and for specific curricula; conduct assessments of workshops; synthesize evaluations into narrative with research support; disseminate and report.
Timeline November. Workshops to be held in December/January with follow-ups in February, March, and May.  December - May. Schedule to be determined by participants. Expect two initial lengthy workshops with shorter follow-up sessions (and groups to do collaboration outside of sessions as well). January: 1st round of process; April-May: 2nd round of workshop eval and assessment of actual curricula projects.
Partners The groups from previous contacts who commit to participate. Any additional interested parties; a representative from the Composition program and SL coalition (at least to receive materials and information from workshop). Same as previous objective. Additional support for evaluation and workshop conducting from Learn and Serve contacts, DEEP Workshop participants, including students; Evaluation experts (DEEP, Learn and Serve); Southwest Project, Composition Program, and Tucson SL Coalition (for discussion and dissemination).
Success Standards Workshops scheduled; materials drafted and duplicated; continued commitments of 4&4 (CO and instructors) Positive evaluation from partners; substantive curricula design and/or instructor research connection with groups; determined criteria for longevity and reproduceability of project. Useable instruments to qualitatively understand what happened in the process; Clear indicators of what worked and what did not; 4 concrete proposals for revisions and continuation; Case study write up for publication and/or conference presentation.
Notes The workshops will be based on a participatory model and much of what occurs in the sessions will be driven by community/instructor needs. I will provide all handouts and facilitation and will record the sessions. Important to include evaluation and assessment on all levels of the workshop. Workshops need to generate their own evaluations as well as criteria for evaluating the partner's experience with the curricula they develop. Later workshops should include students. This objective is the trickiest part of the project for me. There are multiple levels of assessment going on. I am not looking for quantitative measurements, but would like to link outcomes and results to expectations and needs of community orgs, instructors, and students. Student outcomes should also measure relation to activism.
Goal 3
Objective 1 Objective 2 Objective 3 Objective 4
Element Compile, summarize, synthesize and write-up materials (research methodologies, product examples, assessments, research materials) Design print and online layouts for final product. Create print and online product. Publish and Disseminate product (abstract, articles, presentation versions of the product).
Desired Result Having sorted through a large number of documents and results to determine the most salient and generalizable elements; Obtaining an overall picture of what the project's successes and weaknesses were; reflection on and connection of theory and practice in this model. To have thought through the rhetorical considerations for a useful, appealing, rigorous theoretical and practical resource for the methodology to be reproduced. Completion of a highly functional product to serve as a resource and a promotional piece for an alternative model for Service Learning collaborative projects. To provide CNS with promised "high quality product". To provide a resource for a wide range of practitioners; to have a product available for ongoing contribution and development; to promote this methodology to groups who might not have used SL otherwise; to contribute to the theoretical critique of activism in education.
Tasks Get permissions to use materials (from participants). -Compile bibliographies. -Compile previous syntheses. -Gather products from workshop sessions. -Collect assessment instruments and results. -Write up introducations and contextualizations. -Conceptualize audience, function, form of/for product. -Draft layouts, choose software to create product on. -Experiment for expandability and contributions. -Request design assistance from experts. -Work with print and web formats. -Place write-ups and materials into design layout. -Revise materials and design as needed. -Print draft of product for peer review. -Scan pictures and graphics. -Create a dummy online version for review. -Final printing of print version. -Create an abstract of the product for dissemination. -Distribute copies to CNS, local service learning offices, other interested campus offices. -Disseminate abstract over listservs and via mail to instructors and communities. -Present at conferences, community meeting, and instructor meetings. -Submit articles for publication.
Timeline Ongoing throughout project. Majority of final collections/syntheses in April, add in May and finalize additions in June. (By February, for the mid-course review, I should have a sketch of the final product elements.) Ongoing, but concentrated in April and May. Final layout decisions made by early May. May and June.  April: submissions. June-July other forms of dissemination.
Partners Participants in project; additional faculty and peers; Learn and Serve contacts; Service learning practitioners. Jesse Ewing (OARDC graphic designer). Jeremy Bushnell (Invisible Cities web designer). UA Computing. J. Ewing, J Bushnell; community partners, instructors; SL practitioners L&S. Instructors and community orgs who don't use SL for perspective on promotional value and useability. L&S; CNS; regional service learning offices; Tucson SL Coalition; University contacts from around the country; Southwest Project, Composition program; Tucson Volunteer Center (to dist. to local orgs.).
Success Standards 3 bibliographies; acceptable theoretical justification and articulation for each section (activism, workshop, assessment, curricula) as judged by faculty/instructors, community, L&S reviews; clear examples and templates as judged by peer review. Functional layout concept with articulated reasoning and peer comments. Print and online architecture created by early May. Measurements determined by CNS regarding product assessment. Functional product acceptable for submission to CNS; Live website up and running;; Functional abstract to promote the product. Final product to CNS; 2 articles submitted for publication consideration; 3 conferences; 5-10 meetings with community; abstracts sent via email and regular mail to comprehensive list of contacts (developed over the course of the project)--100 contacts. 
Notes Compiling this information will necessarily be an ongoing process. I am using archiving and journaling in order to facilitate that process. Need constant feedback (the benefit of which is the constant promotion of my project). Plan to use "profiles" of what works locally in final product, so need to keep in mind how to structure those. Design needs to be flexible enough to be adaptable to other versions of the product beyond CNS. Design is absolutely essential to functionality and having a useable design will greatly facilitate my ability to put the materials I've collected into the final product efficiently. Need to work out printing and web hosting issues. One measurement of success for live web version would be the establishment of links from other pages and a web counter. Ongoing contact development needs to be covered in the database created at the outset. I have already established conferences to present at: CCCC, National Service Conf, Fundamental Controversies/Spring Composition Conference.