English 6323

History of Rhetoric

Course Pages and Resources

Course Expectations

Because this is a graduate course, I will be treating it as a “seminar.” That means that the course will depend on discussion and student contributions more than on my lecturing over content. It also means that despite the fact that you will have assigned readings, you will be identifying and responsible for additional research and reading on the theories we are covering. I will expect you (with my guidance and support) to identify additional resources. Each of you will be presenting and facilitating the class on a chosen topic. That means you will become the “expert” on your topic and provide for the class substantial supplementation to the primary readings.

I expect the writing in this class to reflect graduate level quality. If you are having trouble with academic discourse, I will work with you or recommend that you work with a peer reviewer in the writing center or other informal settings.

I expect you to hold yourselves to a standard of curiosity, engagement, enthusiasm, and contribution that distinguishes you as committed graduate students. Regular attendance in this class is mandatory.

I expect to have a good time in this class. Though my syllabus can be read as officious and stuffy, I am neither. I find the history of rhetoric and the primary texts we will be reading to be challenging and fun. I hope you will agree!

August 28, 2007

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