NewStart English 101 sec 61, Brown
Class schedule

Readings are due on the date they are listed. Schedule is subject to change with notification. Readings with page numbers in parenthesis are from WRAC. Other readings are specified.



16: Introduction--course goals, expectations, schedule. What is a University Education? (in class writing exercise). Terms to define for homework.

17: Discuss "Summary" (3-19); discuss "Panopticon" (467-474)

18: Discuss "The Nature and Meaning of Data" (423-429) and "You're Not Paranoid: They Really are Watching You" (430-440). Begin finding CAT card information. Discuss Response Paper assignment.

19: Discuss "Privacy in the Workplace" (441-445) and "Computers in the Workplace: Elysium or Panopticon" (454-460).

22: Discuss CAT Card issue (bring in the texts you have found on the issue): Rhetorical positions, assumptions, and implications. Response Paper Due.

23: Discuss "The Changing Nature of Information" (449-453)

24: Workshop Rough Drafts of Essay #1

25: Conferences, Brenda's activity to be announced

26: essay #1 Due.
Unit 2 overview: ideological analysis of your own beliefs about education and "politics." Discuss how to get essay from "reserve"
Movie: Big Night

29: Discuss "Ideology" (on reserve in library). Bring a synopsis of the reading to class with a list of looked up terms, questions, and comments.

30: Discuss "Political Quiz" (249-251) and "The L.A. Riots: A Case Study of Debate Across the Political Spectrum" (264-281)


1: Discuss "Guides to Political Conflicts" (282-289) 
and "Liberalism, Conservatism, Socialism, Libertarianism"

2: Discuss "Politics: The Art of Bamboozling" (300-314)


6:  Response Paper #2 Due
Discuss "Group Minds" (356-358)

7: Reflect on discussions from Unit 1 in terms of the concepts and your responses from Unit 2. Discuss incorporation of materials and examples into your personal analysis. Discuss the difference between self-analysis and interpretation/argumentation

8: Workshop Rough Drafts of Essay #2

9: Conferences. Brenda's activity to be announced

10: Essay #2 Due.
Unit 3 overview--issues of corporatization, connecting to campus issues. Discuss the campus issues groups are researching. Defining terms and concepts.

13: Reading on corporate influence on campus (to be announced). Discuss "Net Worth" (on reserve).

14: Discuss "Ban the Bargains" (203-206) and "Competing with the Discount Mass Merchandisers" (209-215). Identify local issues parallel to the WalMart debate.

15: Discuss "Eight Ways to Stop the Store" (207-208) and "Who's Really the Villain" (222-224) and "Doonesbury" (231-233). Prepare presentations for conference (conference presentations will relate to activism)

16: Class meets from 7:30-8:30--Continue preparation of activism presentations for conference.

9:00am: Academic Conference

17: Discuss campus issues. Bring relevant articles and materials for your issue for analysis. Describe the issue, ways to address the issue. Explain your response/approach for the assignment.

20: Workshop Essay #3

21: Group workshops, discussions. Brenda's activity to be announced.

22: Essay #3 Due. Generate questions for final exam.

23: Group presentations

24: Final Essay Exam