Invoice Materials and Reflection: Danika Brown
CNS National Service Fellowship 2000-2001
NovDec | Jan | Feb | Mar |  Apr |  May | Jun | Jul

December (November 18-December 17, 2000)



Name _______Danika M. Brown________________________________

Period Covered by Invoice: from _10/18/00_____________ to ___11/17/00_____________

Day of Number of Hours Day of Number of Hours

Month Worked on Fellowship Month Worked on Fellowship
18 8 3 9
19 8 4 4
20 8 5  
21 8 6 10
22   7 8
23 8 8 8
24 6 9 8
25 8 10 8
26 4 11  
27 8 12  
28   13 8
29   14 9
30 8 15 8
31 8 16 8
1 8 17 8
2 8    

Total of Hours Worked on Fellowship During Invoice Period __________90_________

Signature & Certification __________________________________________ _____________ (date)

CNS National Service Fellowship Narrative

September 18-October 18, 2000

During October and November, I have concentrated my effort on completing a core contact list and establishing commitments from participants for the workshop and local project completion. While doing this, I have been keeping a journal of how the process has worked and ideas for extending/sustaining and revising the process. I have begun writing up the overview and methodology and am looking forward to the start of the workshops. I revised the workshop format a bit, which I describe below.

Goals for October/November:

  1. Gain commitments from university and community members for participation in the project
  2. Identify partnership possibilities; articulate needs and strengths for both groups
  3. Develop a schedule and overview for workshops; develop materials for workshop sessions
  4. Begin writing up process methodology;
  5. Get feedback and signals of support for sustaining this particular local model as well as use for the general product.
  6. Complete Goal 1, begin Goal 2.
Work Done

In order to meet the above goals for the month, I:

  1. Met with interested and potential participants from the community and the university
  2. Distributed preliminary findings in terms of common needs and possible partnerships
  3. Made necessary revisions for the workshop format and distributed an overview
  4. Met with groups that might be supportive of sustaining this effort
  5. Publicized the workshops in appropriate venues
  6. Began looking at design issues for the final product

Commitments: I have gained commitments from the following community members to participate in the workshop:

Karin Uhlich (Primavera Foundation); Lydia Lester (Students Against Sweatshops, Southern Arizona Alliance for Economic Justice); Caren Zimmerman (UA LGB Studies; Jobs with Justice); Joe Bernick (Jobs with Justice, Salt of the Earth Labor College); Valerie Gomes (Tucson Health Workers SoundOFF); Jeff Imig (Pan-Left Video Productions); Penny Waterstone (Local Oral Histories Specialist); Paula Arnquist (Workers Rights Board/SAAEJ/American Friends Service Committee).

Garry Forger (UA Southwest Project); Tilly Warnock (UA Composition Program); Eric Switzer (Cain and Company Fundraisers); Annie Bartlett (UA: service learning student); Curtis Ferree (Pima Community College); Don Grant (UA Sociology); Tucson Service Learning Coalition; Southwest Project; MJ Braun (UA English).

I have gained commitments from the following instructors/researchers to participate: Kali Tal (Arizona International College); Kate OíNeill (UA Sociology); Lonni Pearce (UA English); Cathy Chaput (UA English); Stacy Day (UA English); Curtis Ferree (Pima Community College, English); Miranda Joseph (UA Womens Studies); Laura Briggs (UA Womens Studies); Zoe Hammer-Tamizuka (UA Comparative Cultural Studies); John Warnock (UA RCTE grad seminar). I have gained support for the project's continuation and in terms of resources for the current local workshops from: The Southwest Project; English Composition Program; Tucson Service Learning Coalition; Salt of the Earth Labor College; Tucson Peace Center; UA Womens Studies;

LGB Studies--Sex, Race, and Globalization Committee.

Promotion. I have promoted the project in the following ways:
  1. Accepted to the Fundamental Conferences/UA Composition Spring Conference
  2. Southwest Project Fall Project Description meetings (scheduled for later this fall)
  3. Created a webpage for the workshop overview ( and distributed that to several appropriate listservs
  4. Announced at the Salt of the Earth Labor College Anniversary Event
  5. Scheduled a meeting with key service learning advocates on UA campus to discuss the possibilities of using my product and methodology for future service learning programs
  6. Met with two mentors to determine possibilities for submitting a proposal for a center that builds on this methodology for additional funding
  7. Discussed with the head of the Sex, Race, and Globalization group (funded by Rockerfeller) utilizing this methodology as a structure for that group to manifest itself more actively
Additional Funding and Support Opportunities

In addition to the funding sources I identified last month, I am also looking closely at the Ford Foundation (and Advocacy Institute) "Leadership for Change" grant. Additionally, I am planning to submit next fall for a fellowship from Echoing Green.

Curriculum Development Workshop Component

I revised the curriculum development workshops a bit. At first, I had scheduled 4 workshops to start in December. The first workshop would be an actual developing curricula session and the following would have been assessment, etc. I determined that this project has enough interest and enough participants that I could do the workshops a bit differently, and open the workshops to more people to attend the first session even if they wouldn't attend the rest. Therefore, I added a session for November in which everyone who attends will be able to talk about their work. I will provide guidelines to the participants about what type of information might be useful to provide to the others. I will also invite community members that I haven't been able to include as intensely in this first rendition of this project and ask them to simply attend and provide a brief overview of their projects so that the workshop participants can also consider those areas as resources and for future possible partnerships.

The entire overview of the workshop series (that which I provided for participants and in terms of promotion) is available at and I am currently writing up and finalizing the materials that I will send out in advance of that session. All of this material will go into the final product.


  1. Disseminate a list of participants and brief descriptions of projects to all participants
  2. Create appropriate materials on the goals of the project (research and position statements regarding service learning, activism, and university/community collaboration) to provide to participants on the first session
  3. Submit additional proposals for promotion and dissemination
  4. Write and publish (online for reference) the facilitation materials for the first workshop session