Sample Teaching Materials


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While many of my teaching materials -- syllabi, assignments, resources-are available online at this site(, I have included here a sampling of some of my general assignments, including some resources that include student interaction on those assignments. These syllabi and assignment samples are designed to demonstrate my general approach to teaching and, I hope, a bit about my students' responses to my approach. I had thought to include context paragraphs, linking the assignments with my pedagogy, but I realize those links are made within the assignment sheets themselves, as a guiding principle of my pedagogy is to make my pedagogy apparent at all times. The examples I am including are among my more successful teaching ventures, but I hope these examples also demonstrate that my teaching is always under review and revision, even during the course I am teaching. For example, one syllabus example is actually a revised syllabus and assignment sheet that I gave my students, and includes my own reflection on why I made the revisions I did. The transcript of my exchange with a student over her writing assignment reflects that my assignments do not stand alone or as self-evident, but require constant negotiation with individual students. It is difficult to represent one's own teaching in bits and pieces in a portfolio, but these snapshots perhaps provide a sense of how I perceive my own work.
List of Samples:
1)    Syllabus for NewStart Summer Course
2)    "Revised" Syllabus for English 102, Local Histories course
3)    English 102 Assignment sheet: Rhetorical Analysis of a Local History
4)    Online Conference with Student regarding Rhetorical Analysis of a Local History Assignment
5)    "Collide-oscope" Assignment
6)    General Assignment: Critique of a Technology