English 101


What is a listserv?

A listserv is a subscriber-based e-mail list.  You send a request to the administration center for listservs and request to be added to a particular mailing list.  The owner of the list is notified of your request and adds your e-mail address to the list.  You receive a copy of any messages posted to the list from that point forward.

How will we be using "listserv" in this course?

Originally, I had planned to have you post reactions, questions, and responses to the listserv.  However, after I thought about the fact that this meant everyone would be receiving about 50 mailed messages at least once a week along with personal and other business e-mail messages, I realized that students would probably stop reading other students' responses and simply delete the mass mailings.

In order to avoid a situation where you were posting and deleting and not really having an active conversation on-line, I chose to move the response and weekly assignment area to "Caucus".

The listserv will be an announcement service from me and I encourage you to use the listserv address (see below) to post announcements, questions, or requests.  For example, you might want to request someone to meet with to exchange drafts (from either class).  The listserv will enable you to send an e-mail to everyone in the class.  It is your listserv, so continue to use it; you just won't be using it for weekly response assignments.


Listserv Assignments
There are no listserv assignments.  Refer to Caucus assignments.

