English 101

Final Exam

The final for this course is scheduled for:

December 12, 1997 8:00am-10:00am in Soc Sci 206.

There are no make-ups (except in VERY VERY extreme cases--flat tires, oversleeping, hangovers, sniffles do not count!). You will only have 2 hours to write the exam, so don't be late.

For information about the final exam itself, the study guide and reading packet will be available around November 21st. You must go to the bookstore and purchase the final exam packet at the "ClassNotes" counter downstairs. You may access the study guide for the final on-line at the University of Arizona composition program web-page: (http://www.coh.arizona.edu/comp/composition.html)

To help you prepare for the exam, a panel discussion on "the uses of liberal education" will take place on Wednesday, December 3, 5-6:30 in the Social Sciences Auditorium. Panelists are Barbara Babcock, Regents Professor of English and Anthropology; Michael Gottfredson, Vice President for Undergraduate Education and sponsor of the new Core Curricululm; Jerry Hogle, University Professor of English and Chair of the Faculty; and Jon Solomon, Professor in the Classics Department and author of *Up the University.*

You will be preparing for the exam in class with the use of group presentations. I recommend outside study groups to discuss the essays and the study guide questions as well.

