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English 4325

English 4325: Course Readings


Texts for this course will include those listed below. I will list these texts with links on the page for access to readings as they are due. The list below are full citations in MLA format. I expect you to use MLA format for all citations in any responses, presentations, and essays in which you refer to the texts. For more information on using MLA format, I recommend the following sites:


Reading List (Very much subject to change)

*Please Note: You are welcome to go ahead and read through these at any time, but I may delete some of them and add others. You will be notified of what readings are due when on the daily calendar.


Berlin, James. “Rhetoric and Ideology in the Writing Class.” College English 50 (1988): 477-494.

“Chapter One: Composition as a Progressive Enterprise.” Visions and Versions of Progressivism. n.p. Text provided by Danika Brown, English 4325, Summer 2007.

Comber, Barbara. “Pedagogy as Work: Educating the Next Generation of Literacy Teachers.” Pedagogies: An International Journal 1.1: 59-67.

Dartmouth Writing Program: Materials for Tutors 10 Apr. 2007 <http://www.dartmouth.edu/~writing/materials/tutor/toc.shtml>.

Dewey, John. “Chapter 11: Experience and Thinking.” Democracy and Education. MacMillan Company, 1916. Columbia University Digital Text Project. 10 Apr 2007 <http://www.ilt.columbia.edu/publications/Projects/digitexts/dewey/d_e/chapter11.html>.

“English Studies and Public Service.” n.p. Text provided by Danika Brown, English 4325, Spring 2007.Ferris, Sharmila Pixy. “The Effects of Computers on Traditional Writing.” Journal of Electronic Publishing 8.1 (Aug 2002). 10 Apr 2007 <http://www.press.umich.edu/jep/08-01/ferris.html>.

Fleischer, Cathy. “Entering the Conversation.” Teachers Organizing for Change: Making Literacy Learning Everybody’s Business. NCTE, 2000. 1-19.

Thomas, Lindsay. July 2007 America Learns National Strategy of the Month: "Word Roundup." AmeriCorps member with Keystone SMILES. AmeriCorps. 9 Jul 2007, 12 Jul 2007 <http://americalearns.net/strategy.htm>.

Meija, Jaime. “Bridging Rhetorical Studies with Chicano and Chicana Studies.” Kells, Michelle Hall, Balester, Valerie & Villanueva, Victor. Eds. Latino/a Discourses: On Language, Identity & Literacy Education. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook, 2004.

Muriel Harris; Tony Silva. “Tutoring ESL Students: Issues and Options.” College Composition and Communication, 44.4. (Dec., 1993), pp. 525-537.

Pope, Carol A. and Jeffrey Golub. “Preparing Tomorrow’s English Language Arts Teachers Today: Principles and Practices for Infusing Technology.” Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education 1.1 (2000) Online Access 10 Apr 2007 <http://www.citejournal.org/vol1/iss1/currentissues/english/article1.htm>.

Reynolds, Nedra et al. “A Brief History of Rhetoric and Composition.” Bedford Bibliography for Teachers of Writing. 6th Edition. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2004. 1-18.

Strategies. America Learns Online Resources. America Learns, LLC. 2007. 9 Jul 2007 <http://americalearns.net/networkstrategies.htm>.

Tierney, Robert J. “Global/Cultural Teachers Creating Possibilities: Reading Worlds, Reading Selves, and Learning to Teach.” Pedagogies: An International Journal 1.1 (2006): 77-87.

Winterowd, W. Ross, and Jack Blum. A Teacher’s Introduction to Composition in the Rhetorical Tradition. Urbana: NCTE, 1994.

Writing Study Group of the NCTE Executive Committee. “NCTE Beliefs About the Teaching of Writing.” National Council of the Teachers of English. November 2004. 10 April, 2007 <http://www.ncte.org/about/over/positions/category/write/118876.htm>.





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