English 101

Final Exam Advice

Hello my friends! Your final exam is scheduled for 8am - 10am, Friday, December 12 in Social Sciences room 206 (both sections will meet there and then so don't let the unfamiliar faces surprise you!).

For the exam, you need to bring a blue book and a writing instrument. You may also want to bring any notes or possible outlines you have developed, the articles and study questions (hilighted, underlined, etc), a dictionary, your _Conversations_ book or a copy of any materials you might want to incorporate into your essays.

I am not going to explicate the essays for you or tell you what I think you should write. However, here are some technical guidelines for the essay I would like to recommend for you:

Good luck. Don't forget that your final is worth 100 points (10% of your grade). I will give you your copies of the terms you have defined in class. I will of course be happy to answer any questions about what I have posted here.
